Tompkins and Company, Boston

Abel Tompkins (1810-1862) was a principle in a number of publishing ventures including Daniel D. Smith and A. Tompkins (1836), G.W. Bazin and A. Tompkins (1839), A. Tompkins and B. B. Mussey (1841). In addition, Tompkins published on his own imprint during these years (1836-1862).

For many years this firm (as Abel Tompkins or A. Tompkins) was the leading denominational publisher for the Universalist Church. In the 1830's Tompkins was an agent for the Universalist Union (as were R. A. Ballou and Benton Smith in later years). He published several Universalist periodicals including the Ladies' Repository (beginning in 1836) and the Universalist Quarterly.

Here is a cameo from an envelope found at:

Tompkins and Company, which succeeded Abel Tompkins, was established by W. P. Cherrington, W. E. Tompkins and John S. Tompkins after Abel Tompkins' death in 1862. In 1865 Tompkins and Company sold its business to the New England Universalist Publishing House.

A. Tompkins and Tompkins and Co. published several series in the early 1860's but only four appeared to be for children/juveniles.