Butterfly's Flights
1. Butterfly at Mount Mansfield |
2. Butterfly at Saratoga Springs |
3. Butterfly at Niagara Falls |
4. Butterfly's Trip to Montreal |
5. Butterfly at the Sea-Side |
6. Butterfly in Philadelphia |
Although she is not mentioned, Sarah Stuart Robbins wrote the titles
in this series.
Carter published the first editions of these six titles in 1869.
The only illustration is the frontispiece.
The first editions have not been seen. As per other Carter books of
this era, these volumes are probably blindstamped with gilt
lettering on the spines.
By 1874 the six titles were published in three volumes and were only
sold as a boxed set.
Cloth. Various colors. Blindstamped. Gilt spine lettering and
decoration. 6" x 4.5".