Cosey Corner Library

Published by E. P. Dutton & Co.
1. Adrift on the Sea; or, The Children's Escape by Emilia Marryat
2. Snowed Up; or, The Hut in the Forest by E. M. Norris
3. Sunny Days; or, A Month at the Great Stowe by the author of "Gerty and May"
4. Week by Themselves by E. M. Norris
5. Children of the Parsonage by by the author of "Sunny Days"
6. What Became of Tommy by E. M. Norris

Introduced as series by E. P. Dutton & Co. in 1882. These volumes were all part of various Dutton series. They are all reprints.


Cloth. Square. 16 mo.
Sold individually or as a boxed set.

The formats of these titles in this series are not known.