Cousin Lucy Series

Published by Clark, Austin & Co./ Clark, Austin & Smith/ Clark, Austin, Maynard & Co/ Clark & Maynard
1. Cousin Lucy at Study
2. Stories Told to Rollo's Cousin Lucy
3. Cousin Lucy's Conversations
4. Cousin at Play
5. Cousin Lucy on the Sea-Shore
6. Cousin Lucy Among the Mountains

The first editions of the Cousin Lucy books were published in 1842 by B. B. Mussey. For a complete look at this series see:

Clark, Austin & Co., Clark, Austin & Smith, Clark, Austin, Maynard & Co, and Clark & Maynard all published this series.
The formats for this series and Abbott's Jonas Series are the same although Clark, Austin & Co. did not publish the latter series.

The latest date seen on a title page for a "Cousin Lucy Series" book is 1866. But some undated volumes with the 5 Barclay Street address (1864-1880) were published after 1870 as they have a copyright date of 1870. Clark & Maynard advertised this series until 1882. In 1883 Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. reprinted this set.

Covers, spines and title pages are shown below. 6" x 4"

Clark, Austin & Company 1852

Clark, Austin & Smith (1853-1859)
Known editions published in 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1859.




In 1859 Clark, Austin & Smith published "Abbott's Lucy and Jonas Library". It is unknown at this time which books this series included. Nonetheless one of the books was a combination book which included "Jonas on a Farm in Winter" and "Jonas on a Farm in Summer". I suspect that the other four Jonas Series books and the six Cousin Lucy books were also published as combination books at that time.

Clark, Austin, Maynard & Co. (1860-1862)
Known editions published in 1860, 1862


Clark & Maynard (1863-1870's)
Known editions published in 1863, 1864, 1866, 1870.







Late 1860's -1870 or later. Some books with this format cover have a new copyright of 1870.