New Prize Library, No.1

Published by Henry Hoyt
1. Both Sides of the Street (Copyright 1870) by Mary Spring Walker
2. Captain John; or, Loss is Sometimes Gain (Copyright 1870) by Mrs. Ann E. Porter
3. Tom Bentley; or, The Prodigal's Return (Copyright 1870) by anonymous
4. Orient Boys (Copyright 1870) by S. F. Keene
5. Kept from Idols   by Mrs. Mary Andrews Denison
6. Charity Hurlburt   by C. C.

Both Sides of the Street won first prize of $600. Hoyt received more then 500 different manuscripts.

Later in 1875 some of these titles were also in the New Prize Libraries for Boys and New Prize Libraries for Girls.

Cloth. Various colors. Gilt and black decorative covers. 7" x 5".