Sunny Side Series

Published by Phillips, Sampson and Company
1. Peep at No. 5: or, A Chapter in the Life of a City Pastor by H. Trusta (Mrs. Austin Phelps)
(Copyright and title page 1852)
2. The Tell Tale; or, Home Secrets Told by Old Travelers by H. Trusta (Mrs. Austin Phelps)
(Copyright 1852, title page 1853)
3. The Last Leaf from Sunny Side by H. Trusta (Mrs. Austin Phelps)
(Copyright and title page 1853)
4. Father Brighthopes; or, an Old Clergyman's Vacation by Paul Creyton (J. T. Trowbridge)
(Copyright and title page 1853)
5. Burrcliff: Its Sunshine and its Clouds by Paul Creyton (J. T. Trowbridge)
(Copyright 1853, Title page 1854)
6. Hearts and Faces; or, Home Life Unveiled by Paul Creyton (J. T. Trowbridge)
(Copyright 1853)
7. Ironthorpe, The Pioneer Preacher by Paul Creyton (J. T. Trowbridge)
(Copyright and title page 1855)
8. The City Side; or, Passages from a Pastor's Portfolio by Cara Belmont
(Copyright and title page 1854)

Phillips, Sampson and Company published the first editions of these eight titles.

The "Sunny Side Series" was first noted as books #1-5 which were printed in a uniform style. All of these titles went through multiple printings. The title page notes the edition based on "thousands". First editions do not mention a number on the title page. These titles were reprinted numerous times into the late 1850's.

These books were to be for "mature" readers but ads stated that juveniles might find them worthwhile.

Cloth. Red and blue noted. Blindstamped with embossed wreath on the cover (Gilt or plain). Gilt spine lettering and decorations. 6.25” x 4”.

Plain books cost 50 cents whereas the gilt books cost 75 cents.