Travel-Adventure Series

Published by W. A. Wilde & Company
1. In Wild Africa by Thomas W. Knox Illustrated by H. Burgess 1895
2. The Land of the Kangaroo by Thomas W. Knox Illustrated by H. Burgess 1896
3. Over the Andes; or, Our Boys in New South America by Hezekiah Butterworth Illustrated by Henry Sandham 1897
4. Lost in Nicaragua; or, the Countries of the Great Canal by Hezekiah Butterworth Illustrated by H. Burgess 1898

Four boxed for $6.00 in 1899

It was planned that Knox would write all of the titles in this series. He died in 1896 and Butterworth wrote the last two volumes.

Three formats have been seen

Format 1. Volumes 1-2. Red Cloth. 8" x6".
The first edition of volume #1 does not include itself in the back ads. Title #2 only had one printing in this format.

Format 2: Volumes #1-4. Blue or grey cover (no priority known). 8" x 6".
The first edition of Volume #3 - Over the Andes (1897) has the 25 Bromfield address on the title page.
The first edition of Volume #4 -Nicaragua is of this format but the details of different ads in the back is not well enough known to determine an edition.

From 1898 on, Nicaragua and all reprints have Boston and Chicago as the address on the title page.

The third format has a pictorial cover and was published in the 1900's. See for more information about this series.