Truman's Entertaining and Instructive Toy Books
Lily of the Valley: A Present from Father |
Emma Mortimer, the Cottage Girl |
Little Bird's Tale; A Present from Aunt 1843 |
John's Scrap Book |
Picture Primer for Little Children |
London Daisy, or, Gems in Poetry |
True Story with Pretty Pictures |
Pleasing Stories for Pleasant Children 1843 |
Two Peacocks; our, A Present from Uncle |
Young Bible Reader |
William Middleton and His Dog Trim |
An edition of "Young Bible Reader" published by Truman and Smith has
been seen. It is not known whether all of these titles previously were
published by Truman and Smith. It does not appear that the Truman and
Smith books were in a named series.
Undated books were published after 1844.
Wraps. Various colors. The cover has lettering surrounded by a number
of vignettes. 3.75" x 5.75" 24 pp.
William T. Truman books that have no date were published between 1845
and 1849.
The Truman & Spofford books were published in 1850 or shortly