Wallace Stanley Series

Published by W. B. Conkey Company
1. Our Week Afloat; or, How we Explored the Pequonset River
2. Down the Bay: or, Joe and I on Salt Water

By 1902 #2 was entitled “Joe and I"
By 1902 #1 was entitled "Fresh Water Explorers"

W. B. Conkey & Company first published these books in about 1893. Conkey bought the plates for these books from Morrill, Higgins & Co. in 1893. Previously Morrill, Higgins had bought the plates for these books from the first edition publisher, Belford, Clarke & Co. in 1892.

Illustrated by H. N. Cady

Cloth. Book specific cover illustrations in gold and black. 8.5” x 5.5”.
Sold individual or as a boxed set.


