Burt's Juvenile Classics

Published by A. L. Burt Company
1. Adventures of a Brownie by Miss Mulock
2. Adventures in Toyland by Edith King Hall
3. Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
4. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
5. Dog of Flanders by Louise de la Reme
6. King of the Golden River by John Ruskin
7. Little Lame Prince by Miss Mulock
8. Little Miss Dorothy by Martha James
9. Little Rosebud by Beatrice Harraden
10. Princess and the Goblin by George Macdonald
11. Water Babies by Charles Kingsley
12. Wonder Book by Nathaniel Hawthorne

A. L. Burt Company introduced this series of 12 titles in 1905. By 1910 some titles were being deleted.
By the mid teens these titles could be found in other Burt series.


Cloth. Each title has a book specific illustrated cover in colors. The spines of the books in this series have a unique stereotypical design (See below). Since some other series have the same cover for a particular title, analyzing the spine is the best way to determine whether a book is in this series or not.