Teddy Books by Anna Chapin Ray

Published by Little, Brown, and Company
1. Teddy: Her Book (Copyright 1898 by Little, Brown, and Company)
2. Phebe: Her Profession (Copyright 1900 by Little, Brown, and Company)
3. Teddy: Her Daughter (Copyright 1901 by Little, Brown, and Company)
4. Nathalie's Chum (Copyright 1902 by Little, Brown, and Company)
5. Ursula's Freshman (Copyright 1903 by Little, Brown, and Company)
6. Nathalie's Sister (Copyright 1904 by Little, Brown, and Company)

1. Vesper L. George
2. Frank T. Merrill
3. J. B. Graff
4. Ellen Bernard Thompson
5. Harriet Roosevelt Richards
6. Alice Barber Stephens

Cloth. Green. Gilt cover lettering. Each book has a unique book specific illustration.

Later editions note the series' name on the cover.